Life is too short to be a wussy

Be a MAn of Desire,,,,Life is Too Short to be a Wussy

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Jealousy is a Good Sign
Men tend to look at jealousy as a negative thing in their relationships with women. They are only half right. Scientific research reveals that it is a clear signal that he needs to do something to improve the relationship. These are the facts:
  • 50 percent of women who view themselves as more in love than their partner intentionally provoke jealousy.
  • Only 26 percent of women who are equally or less in love resort to provoking jealousy.
  • Women acknowledge that they are motivated to elicit jealousy in order to increase the closeness of the relationship, to test the strength of the relationship, to see if the partner still cares, and to inspire possessiveness.
What does this mean?
The good: she likes you.
The more women care about a man, the more likely they are to try and make him jealous.
Women use jealousy (subconsciously) as a tactic to gain information about and to elevate a man's commitment.
The bad: she isn't comfortable in the relationship.
The less secure a woman feels about a man's commitment, the more she will use jealousy. This can originate from you (not giving her confidence) or from her (low self-confidence in relationships).

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