I’m expecting this topic to raise a lot of questions and also controversy as Asian girls seem to be on the top of a lot of fetish lists for guys these days.
Not only are they some of the most exotic and attractive women in the world, they are also very clean, polite and respectful… which can’t be said for a lot of western women.
Today I’m going to run through several tips which I’ve used to meet, attract and seduce Asian women of all kinds, both in their home country and in other counties.
Let’s get some Asian beaver!
There are two VERY different kinds of Asian women in this world. The home grown Asian girl and the Westernised Asian girl.
- Western asian girls – Brought up in a very western culture such as the USA or UK, they have an eclectic mix of friends… black, white, etc. These girls are much tougher than home grown girls, they are harder to crack and have a little bit of an attitude because they have been hounded by guys for a while, especially if they are smokin hot.
- Home grown asian girls – Brought up in their hometown (Japan, China, Korea etc) and adopt the culture, which is much more strict, respectful and timid. They are fully immersed with their own race, so dating another race is usually a grey area. They will also be extremely shy and not used to the western style of dating.
This is usually down to the fact that the parents don’t want their children to date other races. Obviously this isn’t a solid rule in every household but it’s what I’ve experienced when talking to a ton of Asian girls from all different parts of the world.
Even though a lot of them will grow up wanting to date other races, they will always go back to their “comfort zone” which is the Asian guy.
These techniques won’t work on every Asian girl, but they will work on a large number of them. So gauge the interactions and change your game based on the girl.
- Be dominant and direct – Asian girls are naturally (usually) quite timid due to their strict upbringing, so they really respond well to a firm and authoritative manner, even more so than the average western woman. It’s important to be very dominant and direct, but also respectful at the same time. When you are approaching them, be persistent as they sometimes won’t hang around too long to hear what you have to say.
- Take your time – Sorry guys, most Asian women won’t give it up on the first night, so you need to work for it over a few weeks. Take them for a coffee, get to know them, build deep levels of rapport and then begin sexually escalating heavily on the 3rd meetup.
- Build a deep connection – Asian girls love the whole fairy tale story because they are very romantic and soppy at heart, so concentrate on building a strong connection with them.
There are plenty of places to meet Asian girls, here’s just a handful:
- Their country… duh – What’s the point in waiting for the right Asian girl to come along, just get over to their country and have your pick dude. Read up on the best places, do your research and take a little holiday.
- Your social circle – Your social circle can bring you so many women it’s ridiculous, not to mention Asian women. The best way to meet them is by befriending Asian guys, as they will always know a few women.
- Asian bars and clubs – Google bars and clubs in your city that are notorious for an Asian crowd. They won’t be angry that you’re there, it’s like you rolling into a gay bar, they won’t exactly kick you out for not being Asian.
- University campus – There are a growing number of Asian women on college and university campuses, so these are always great places to pick them up.
Damn, she is fine.
There are certain things you should NEVER do when around Asian chicks, so take note:
- Tell her you have a “thing” for asian girls– This is the lamest thing you can ever say. It sounds weird she knows you want her for sex, so don’t say it.
- Put her on a pedestal – It’s important to treat all women the same, otherwise you’re going to treat them differently to other women, which obviously makes you look needy.
- Talk about Asian stereotypes – Talking about Geisha girls or strict parents is boring and falls under the “no go” stereotypes, not to mention they are extremely frustrating to her as she’s heard them a thousand times before.
- Ask what nationality she is – Don’t ask where she’s from, also assume. It shows that you’re not like every other dumb guy.
- Impress her with stupid Asian related “facts” – Do you think she cares about how many bicycles there are in Beijing? Of course not, so don’t reel of useless facts, they will just deter her.
- Be too shy or reserved – Remember, when she doesn’t respond it’s not because she doesn’t like you, it’s because she’s shy, so you need to be the dominant one.
So there you have it, that’s how to attract Asian women. They are beautiful and very thoughtful in the bedroom, so well worth the effort.
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